Dr Alex Horton
Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Consultant Interventional Radiologist
Dr Alex Horton qualified from UCL in 2000 with MBBS and Bsc Pharmacology (1st class honours). Following training in south west London in medicine and nephrology gaining MRCP he undertook training in radiology including an interventional radiology fellowship at at George’s Hospital, London. He has been a consultant at the royal surrey since 2010. He specialises in interventional radiology, and particularly hepatopancreaticobiliary radiology and is the lead radiologist for the regional HPB MDT. Dr Horton has a keen interest in interventional oncology, having started the TACE service for Hepatocellular carcinoma at RSCH, and performs the majority of percutaneous ablation and Radioembolization (SIRT) procedures. He has a keen interest in research in HPB disease having been the lead local radiologist in the STOPHCC, EPOCH, and SIRRCCA trials for radio enbolisation (SIRT) in liver cancers.
As a trustee for LCSA originally and now BRIGHT he is keen to raise the profile of locoregional and image guided therapies in HPB cancers, both in their availability and and their benefits to patient care. He has been a driving force in the recent Nanoknife appeal for ablation of irresectable liver and pancreatic cancer, in order to offer this group of patients treatment options previously unavailable within our cancer Network.